Provide First Aid (Please see content on Provide First Aid Page)
Remote component:
Considerations when providing first aid including:
- Assessment, interpretation and documentation of vital signs, including normal clinical values for respirations, temperature, pulse and level of consciousness
- How to conduct a secondary assessment of a casualty
- Basic triage processes
- Ongoing care requirements of casualty beyond initial treatment
Remote considerations in the provision of first aid, including:
- The nature of remote or isolated sites and how this may impact on first aid management
- Key features, functions and limitations of different types of emergency communication equipment used in remote or isolated sites, and factors that affect choice:
– radio equipment
– mobile phones
– satellite phones
– alerting and tracking devices including personal locator beacons (PLBs)
- Management options relating to transporting casualty, including aero-medical evacuation
- Specific considerations contextualised to alpine, desert, marine, rural or remote settings and tropical environments
- Methods used to assist emergency services to locate incident sites and the key features, functions and limitations of resources used to assist:
– verbal directions
– flags
– flares or smoke
– fires
Use of man-made and natural resources to supplement first aid equipment
– Using a haemostatic dressings and a tourniquets
Content of remote area first aid kits
Manual Handling including Spinal Immobilisation
Mass Casualty Incidents and Triage
Content of remote area medication boxes
Psychological impacts of first aid incidents on rescuers and how to seek help.